Thursday, May 1, 2014

Davis's NCLEX-RN® Success

Davis's NCLEX-RN® Success (Davis's Nclex-Rn Success) [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition]

Author: Sally L Lagerquist | Language: English | ISBN: B00HYX3VTS | Format: PDF, EPUB

Davis's NCLEX-RN® Success
Download for free books Davis's NCLEX-RN® Success (Davis's Nclex-Rn Success) [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition] from with Mediafire Link Download Link All of the ingredients for NCLEX-RN® success are here! Just follow Sally Lambert Lagerquist’s study plan and you’ll join the thousands who have passed their exams with her guidance. Direct download links available for Davis's NCLEX-RN® Success (Davis's Nclex-Rn Success) [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition]
  • File Size: 45385 KB
  • Print Length: 992 pages
  • Publisher: F A Davis; 3 edition (April 25, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
    Not Enabled
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,070,523 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Got Davis, NCLEX-RN review book recently. I have just not been a big fan of Saunders. Don't ask me why, i have way too many reasons. Now to what I have found good about this book so far. Love the color combination as it is soothing to my eyes, they are not too distracting or annoying- does that even matter to all, but it matters to me. The review of content in this book is really good. It's simplified to just the major areas on the NCLEX RN exam which makes the book not as bulky as Saunder's. Even though you join another course or if you are just following a plan to do just tons of questions and go take the exam, you will always need a book to refer. And this book does it for me. At the back of the book it also has a plan for those of us who really don't know where to begin. The CD is an added bonus, it is formulated and organized to stimulate a mind and prioritize on those areas one needs to work on. So overall a great book and better than the other books out there. Thank you Sally Lambert Langerquist for this great handy NCLEX-RN review book.
By Lia
I love all the questions that come on the CD. It allows you to set up a quiz with you choice of subject(s) and the number of questions. Gives you rational for why the correct answer it correct and the other choices are not the best choice. Also keeps time of how long it took you to answer all the questions so you can see how well you manage your time. Its great practice for the NCLEX-RN exam because it allows to do hundreds of questions on a computer.
By Amber

Davis's NCLEX-RN® Success Download

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