Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences [Hardcover]
Author: Raymond Chang | Language: English | ISBN: 1891389068 | Format: PDF, EPUB
Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences
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Posts about Download The Book Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences [Hardcover] from with Mediafire Link Download Link
Hailed by advance reviewers as a kinder, gentler P. Chem. text, this book meets the needs of a one-semester course or a full-year course in physical chemistry. It is an ideal choice for classes geared toward pre-medical and life sciences students. Or, as stated in a May 2001 review in Journal of Chemical Education, this text meets these students where they are and opens the door to physical chemistry from a perspective they can appreciate. Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences offers a wealth of applications to chemical and biological problems, numerous chapter-ending exercises, and an accompanying solutions manual. Well known for his clear writing and careful pedagogical approach, Raymond Chang has developed yet another masterpiece in chemical education.
Books with free ebook downloads available Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences [Hardcover] - Hardcover: 960 pages
- Publisher: University Science Books; 3rd edition (March 1, 2000)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1891389068
- ISBN-13: 978-1891389061
- Product Dimensions: 2 x 8.2 x 10.6 inches
- Shipping Weight: 5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #247,129 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #62 in Books > Science & Math > Chemistry > Physical & Theoretical > Physical Chemistry
I am field-testing this text for a two-semester Physical Chemistry sequence. Initial impressions of the book are very favorable. In particular, I like Prof. Chang's use of several "real world" examples to illustrate important principles. My students find the math substantial but not very intimidating.By Nestor
Some colleagues of mine miss the mathematical rigor found in other Phy Chem texts like McQuarrie and Levine however.
On a lighter note, the color scheme used for this text is excellent. It is just right, neither too drab nor too glaring.
This is a good text. It is not at as high level as most other popular p-chem textbooks. If you think this text is too hard, then forget about the p-chem texts by Atkins or McQuarrie. You might want to get a copy of Physical chemistry by Ball or the one by Engel and Reid to clarify some materials. I don't think any p-chem text is necessary better than others. Each has its own strenghs and weaknesses. How well you do in this course will also depend on your preparedness to take it. Many students are not well prepared to take p-chem. Therefore they blame the textbook, their teacher, and everything they can think of in the universe and beyond for not doing well in this course.By athens
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