Saturday, May 3, 2014


Biochemistry [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition]

Author: | Language: English | ISBN: B00B7JIUL4 | Format: PDF, EPUB

You can download Biochemistry [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition] for everyone book with Mediafire Link Download Link Introduce your students to the latest developments in biotechnology and genomics with this new edition of Campbell and Farrell's best-selling text for the one-term course. Known for its logical organization, appropriate depth of coverage, and vibrant illustrations, BIOCHEMISTRY, 7th Edition, helps your students synthesize the flood of information that has inundated the field since the decoding of the human genome, while showing them how biochemistry principles connect to their everyday lives. The book incorporates up-to-date developments in stem cell research, cloning, and immunology and offers revised coverage of major topics, such as Molecular Biology. Balancing scientific detail with readability, the book is ideal for students studying biochemistry for the first time. For example, in-text questions and problem sets categorized by problem type help students master chemistry and prepare for exams, and "Biochemical Connections" demonstrate how biochemistry applies to other fields such as health and sports medicine. In addition, the book's revised state-of-the-art visual program improves learning outcomes and its innovative magazine insert, "Hot Topics in Biochemistry" now reflects the latest advances in the field. Count on BIOCHEMISTRY, 7th Edition, to lead the way in currency, clarity, and innovation for your one-semester biochemistry course.
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Direct download links available for Biochemistry [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition]
  • File Size: 107235 KB
  • Print Length: 864 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 7 edition (September 24, 2013)
  • Sold by: Cengage Learning
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00B7JIUL4
  • Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
  • X-Ray for Textbooks:
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #750,071 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Everyone in the class disliked this book, including the instructor. I found it a chore to read, something that is not usually the case for me. There were numerous mistakes--including in at least one of the formulas given in the book, which had signs reversed. It was unorganized and difficult to read, going far too in depth for an undergrad course in some areas and not far enough in others. If you are an instructor, pick a different book!
By S. A. Rogers-Winner
This is, without a doubt, the worst science textbook I have ever used - and with a degree in chemical engineering, I have used a number of science textbooks.

The text is imprecise and unclear. You will find yourself reading it multiple times to see if you missed the definitions and explanations, only to realize that no, it just isn't there. And that is just the text. For my class, I was also required to purchase online access with OWL to complete the homework problems. OWL is no better - I have found multiple conflicts between the text and OWL, not to mention multiple mistakes and equations that are just plain incorrect in the homework problems.

Did I mention I'm only at chapter 3? I know most people purchasing this book don't have a choice, it was assigned. But if you have any choice in the matter, DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. I don't know how something like this was approved for publishing.
By lc

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