Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Health and the New Media

Health and the New Media: Technologies Transforming Personal and Public Health (Routledge Communication Series) Hardcover – October 1, 1995

Author: Linda M. Harris | Language: English | ISBN: 0805815694 | Format: PDF, EPUB

Health and the New Media: Technologies Transforming Personal and Public Health – October 1, 1995
You can download Health and the New Media: Technologies Transforming Personal and Public Health (Routledge Communication Series) Hardcover – October 1, 1995 from mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link


...boldly attempts to map out the infinite ways [in which] the ever developing technologies of the information age will reshape the landscape of the health professions....filled with elaborate models of applications of the new media, presented in a language that is readily understandable to even the most computer illiterate....sections are clearly written and provide a panoply of references for the inquisitive reader....this book may become the 'you-heard-it-here-first' document for health professionals, health educators, researchers, computer experts, and dreamers for decades to come.
Journal of the American Medical Association

...well-conceived, well-integrated, and well-written. Thought-provoking essays on how best to exploit the technology of New Media in the quest for improved health care compromise most of the excellent overview of the convergence of information, communications, and entertainment technology in the evolution of health education for patients and professionals.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine

This book will help determine the scope and potential of the emerging interactive media as they are being applied to health concerns.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

Interactive multimedia has vast potential for use in health care. This book is a result of a U.S. government-sponsored conference on that potential, held in Washington, DC, in 1992. The purpose of the confernce was to bring health policy makers and new media researchers together 'to promote informed design, production, and use of multimedia for the promotion of health and prevention of disease'.
Communication Research Trends

USE THE FIRST THREE TESTIMONIALS ONLY FOR GENERAL CATALOGS... This book brings together a most interesting and comprehensive presentation and analysis of new information technologies that have already had an impact on, and may significantly transform, further health-care reform systems...there is no question that the winds of change are already blowing. For those interested in their direction and their effect, this book will provide valuable information and even guidance.
Michael E. DeBakey, MD
Baylor College of Medicine

This pioneering book mirrors the holistic nature of health care through its wide ranging essays on ways in which the new information technologies can play in maximizing...access to health care information and services.
Mary Gardiner Jones
Alliance for Public Technology

Anyone who wants to be healthy in the next decade and beyond needs to become informed about the facts, trends, and issues expressed in this book, itself a significant contribution to the evolution from information to knowledge and on toward enhanced wisdom.
Willis B. Goldbeck
Salk Institute, Founder and former President of the Washington Business Group on

Access to consumer health information is expanding exponentially, thanks to the new electronic media. This silent revolution is empowering the individual to be the focus of health care reform. I expect we will continue to see a big investment of private capital in this field for some time to come. Linda Harris' book is our guide to this exciting new world.
Robert G. Harmon, MD, MPH
The Center for Corporate Health, Inc.

For readers who are struggling to understand health from the perspective of the new media, or the new media from the perspective of health, this book will help them knit together the early vectors of managed care, a reinvented public health and health education, an empowered public, and the interactive media into a tapastry of their own making upon which future contributions will be made.
C. Everett Koop, MD
Dartmouth Medical School; Michael D. McDonald, Dr.PH, The C. Everett Koop Instit

Download latest books on mediafire and other links compilation Health and the New Media: Technologies Transforming Personal and Public Health – October 1, 1995
  • Series: Routledge Communication Series
  • Hardcover: 280 pages
  • Publisher: Routledge (October 1, 1995)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0805815694
  • ISBN-13: 978-0805815696
  • Product Dimensions: 0.9 x 6.2 x 9.1 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #13,928,178 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Health and the New Media: Technologies Transforming Personal and Public Health – October 1, 1995 Download

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