Accountable Care Organizations: Your Guide to Strategy, Design, and Implementation (ACHE Management Series) [Kindle Edition]
Author: Mike Nugent Marc A. Bard | Language: English | ISBN: B008A1EU34 | Format: PDF, EPUB
Accountable Care Organizations: Your Guide to Strategy, Design, and Implementation
Download electronic versions of selected books Accountable Care Organizations: Your Guide to Strategy, Design, and Implementation from with Mediafire Link Download Link Is the ACO strategy right for your organization?
Accountable Care Organizations will help you understand the ACO framework and assess your readiness to embark on an ACO strategy. This book provides the structural blueprints, management skills, and cultural tools necessary to implement a successful ACO. Practical advice is bolstered with real world examples of leading healthcare providers that are pioneers in the rapidly changing world of accountable care.
This guidebook is designed to facilitate critical conversations and decisions at all stages of the ACO development journey. Explore processes and structures and learn how to implement pilots to shape your own ACO delivery model. Each chapter includes takeaway points and tailored action steps for: (1) organizations interested in exploring the ACO concept, (2) organizations taking the first steps towards an ACO model, and (3) organizations already moving full speed ahead.
This book will help you answer these questions and more:
-What does it take to become an ACO?
-What steps and actions should your organization take to implement an ACO strategy?
-How can organizational culture support your move to accountable care?
-How can you build a business plan to support an ACO strategy?
-What information technology is needed to implement an ACO strategy?
-How can an merging ACO best negotiate with third-party payers? Books with free ebook downloads available Accountable Care Organizations: Your Guide to Strategy, Design, and Implementation (ACHE Management Series) [Kindle Edition]
Download electronic versions of selected books Accountable Care Organizations: Your Guide to Strategy, Design, and Implementation from with Mediafire Link Download Link Is the ACO strategy right for your organization?
Accountable Care Organizations will help you understand the ACO framework and assess your readiness to embark on an ACO strategy. This book provides the structural blueprints, management skills, and cultural tools necessary to implement a successful ACO. Practical advice is bolstered with real world examples of leading healthcare providers that are pioneers in the rapidly changing world of accountable care.
This guidebook is designed to facilitate critical conversations and decisions at all stages of the ACO development journey. Explore processes and structures and learn how to implement pilots to shape your own ACO delivery model. Each chapter includes takeaway points and tailored action steps for: (1) organizations interested in exploring the ACO concept, (2) organizations taking the first steps towards an ACO model, and (3) organizations already moving full speed ahead.
This book will help you answer these questions and more:
-What does it take to become an ACO?
-What steps and actions should your organization take to implement an ACO strategy?
-How can organizational culture support your move to accountable care?
-How can you build a business plan to support an ACO strategy?
-What information technology is needed to implement an ACO strategy?
-How can an merging ACO best negotiate with third-party payers? Books with free ebook downloads available Accountable Care Organizations: Your Guide to Strategy, Design, and Implementation (ACHE Management Series) [Kindle Edition]
- File Size: 11588 KB
- Print Length: 408 pages
- Publisher: Health Administration Press (March 25, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B008A1EU34
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #486,332 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #68 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Administration & Policy > Hospital Administration
After reading and hearing so much about accountable care it's refreshing to see these authors take the ACO dialogue to the next level. Marc Bard and Mike Nugent open readers' eyes to a real-world approach to ACOs with a prescriptive guide and best practices that can be adopted by those involved in ACO development and the restructuring of our care delivery system.By Mouzhan Mangum
I do not usually make the time to read 371-page books, but found myself showing up early to doctors' appointments to arrange protected time to finish this book. It is well-organized and contains a treasure trove of practical information for healthcare organizations at every level of readiness. In fact, a table on page 153 shows key concepts and actions to consider for organizations that are considering forming an Accountable Care Organization (ACO):By K. Cohn
* Interested organizations should engage physicians in designing and managing integrated clinical functions, such as service lines, and in collaborations to improve operational efficiency, for example, reducing length of stay and readmissions;
* Engaged organizations should reward introduction of care pathways in common clinical areas and build physician management in the ambulatory environment
* Committed organizations should focus on strengthening inpatient and ambulatory care coordination and implement medical home pilots in partnership with payers
I wrote a big exclamation point next to page 362, where the authors wrote:
While much attention will be paid to organizational structure, it is best to think of the structure like a sports arena. It's the venue, not the game. Organizational structures do not ensure success, though an ineffective structure can make success much more difficult to achieve.
I encourage all healthcare organizations to buy this book, make reading each chapter part of a monthly ACO journal club, and above all, to use the process to build a safe environment for reflection and learning that will improve care for our communities.
Kenneth H. Cohn, M.D., MBA, author of Better Communication for Better Care, Collaborate for Success!, and Getting It Done,[....]
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