Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Medical Entrepreneur Second Edition Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice for Doctors

The Medical Entrepreneur Second Edition Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice for Doctors [Kindle Edition]

Author: Steven M. Hacker MD Daniel Siegel MD MS | Language: English | ISBN: B004I6D6EY | Format: PDF, EPUB

The Medical Entrepreneur Second Edition Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice for Doctors
Download for free books The Medical Entrepreneur Second Edition Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice for Doctors [Kindle Edition] from 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link This is the new second edition of the most popular business and practice management book for physicians, students and residents. Second edition contains new material for the same low price. The second edition includes a new part III section and includes pearls and proceedings from the 2012 Medical Entrepreneur Symposium.
Tip for Doctors & Medical students: You should read this book before signing any contract, joining a medical practice or starting a medical practice.

This book is written to help doctors, medical residents, medical students, and physicians in private practice and academia avoid costly business mistakes in their post medical school career. It is uniquely written from the perspective of a successful physician entrepreneur.

The book provides tips, steps, pearls, and pitfalls written in a concise manner. Busy doctors with little time can quickly access critical cost saving information when joining or starting a private practice.

Topics include everything from how to set up a practice, sign a contract with another group, hire another doctor, contract with insurance companies, understand health regulations including the HITECH stimulus act, how to qualify to receive stimulus funds, billing in the office, hiring and firing personnel, picking a location, obtaining hospital privileges, applying for the required licenses, electronic health records, practice management software, health technology in the office, how to protect your estate, liability issues,marketing and public relations, design of the medical office and more.

Also written for the physician entrepreneur, the book explains how to raise capital, term sheets, understanding venture capital, board of directors, incorporation election issues, how to understand financials, balance sheets, negotiations, hiring the management team, how to take an idea and turn it into an operating business, how to protect your intellectual property, copyrights, trademarks, patents, customer acquisition and how to deal with a business when things go wrong.

The book covers much more and includes expert "stat consults" or opinions from corporate attorneys, intellectual property attorneys, board certified health care attorneys and estate attorneys. Direct download links available for The Medical Entrepreneur Second Edition Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice for Doctors [Kindle Edition]
  • File Size: 751 KB
  • Print Length: 238 pages
  • Publisher: Nano 2.0 Business Press; 2 edition (September 14, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B004I6D6EY
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
    Not Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #79,725 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
    • #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Administration & Policy > Practice Management & Reimbursement
    • #4 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Specialties > Dermatology
    • #8 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Physician & Patient > Physicians
Given the glowing reviews, I was genuinely surprised by the actual book.

It is very badly formatted and seems to have had little, if any, professional editing and organizing. Some of the text is printed in a dark grey box, which makes it nearly impossible to read. There are long paragraphs which really should've been broken up. There is some use of lists and bullets, but not nearly enough. The font is strangely round, and the page looks very cramped.

I can't help but think that this book seems to be nearly self-published. If you, like I, have recently been reading any of the NOLO books on starting your own business, this feels like a serious step down in presentation. (There is a reason for an author to work with editors and publishers: they make the book more readable.)

As for the content itself, I find it middling. There are pages and pages on having a trademark, but hardly any details on how to choose malpractice. Again, seems to be lacking organization and editorial vision.

I almost never return a book, but this one I am sending back.
By lesliac
Great book. Part I gives a great overview of how to start your own medical practice based on Hacker's experience as an entrepreneur. Should be noted, though, that Hacker does not discuss anything about creating a cash practice.

Part II of the book discusses how to start and run your own business outside of medical practice. I purchased the book because of Part I, but Part II was a great read as well.

To summarize, I think this book should be required reading in medical school to educate American physicians on how to be successful in running a practice. I'm content working where I'm at now, but should I ever decide to change locations, I'll refer to this book to guide my future practice.

Thank you Dr. Hacker for taking the time to write this book!
By drmac05

The Medical Entrepreneur Second Edition Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice for Doctors Download

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