The Springboard (KMCI Press) [Kindle Edition]
Author: Stephen Denning | Language: English | ISBN: B0094GB1FY | Format: PDF, EPUB
The Springboard
You can download The Springboard (KMCI Press) [Kindle Edition] for everyone book mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations is the first book to teach storytelling as a powerful and formal discipline for organizational change and knowledge management. The book explains how organizations can use certain types of stories ("springboard" stories) to communicate new or envisioned strategies, structures, identities, goals, and values to employees, partners and even customers.
Readers will learn techniques by which they can help their organizations become more unified, responsive, and intelligent. Storytelling is a management technique championed by gurus including Peter Senge, Tom Peters and Larry Prusak. Now Stephen Denning, an innovator in the new discipline of organizational storytelling, teaches how to use stories to address challenges fundamental to success in today's information economy.
Books with free ebook downloads available The Springboard (KMCI Press) [Kindle Edition]
You can download The Springboard (KMCI Press) [Kindle Edition] for everyone book mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations is the first book to teach storytelling as a powerful and formal discipline for organizational change and knowledge management. The book explains how organizations can use certain types of stories ("springboard" stories) to communicate new or envisioned strategies, structures, identities, goals, and values to employees, partners and even customers.
Readers will learn techniques by which they can help their organizations become more unified, responsive, and intelligent. Storytelling is a management technique championed by gurus including Peter Senge, Tom Peters and Larry Prusak. Now Stephen Denning, an innovator in the new discipline of organizational storytelling, teaches how to use stories to address challenges fundamental to success in today's information economy.
Books with free ebook downloads available The Springboard (KMCI Press) [Kindle Edition]
- File Size: 1205 KB
- Print Length: 247 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0750673559
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 21, 2012)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B0094GB1FY
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #780,498 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Think about it. Who are among the greatest storytellers throughout history? My own list includes Homer, Plato, Chaucer, Aesop, Jesus, Dante, Boccaccio, the brothers Grimm, Confucius, Abraham Lincoln, Hans Christian Andersen, and most recently, E.B. White. Whatever the genre (epic, parable, fable, allegory, anecdote, etc.), each used exposition, description, and narration to illustrate what they considered to be fundamental truths about the human condition. In this volume, Denning focuses on "how storytelling ignites action in knowledge-led organizations" and does so with uncommon erudition, precision, and eloquence.
His narrative covers a period of approximately three years during which he used what he calls "springboard" stories to "spark organizational change" at The World Bank. More specifically, to forge a consensus within that organization to support the design and then implementation of effective knowledge management, first for itself and then for its clients worldwide. How he accomplished that objective is in and of itself a fascinating "story" but the book's greater value lies in what he learned in process, lessons which are directly relevant to virtually all other organizations (regardless of size or nature) which struggle to "do more with less and do it faster" in the so-called Age of Information. Maximizing use of their collective intellectual capital is most often the single most effective way to do that.
There are several reasons why this book impressed me so much. Here are three. First, Denning allows his reader to accompany him during the process by which he eventually overcame rigorous but subtle internal opposition to what was perceived to be a threat to the status quo at The World Bank.
The reason that The Springboard is such an important book is that the story it tells of business transformation at the World Bank deals with the missing link in the knowledge communication chain between knowledge transmitters (teachers) and knowledge receivers (learners). The link has been missing since computers made hyper-access to information possible without making it hyper-easy to assimilate. (Many would say that computer accessed information is actually more difficult to assimilate, than traditional books and journals.)
One of the many virtues of The Springboard is that it practices what it preaches. Nearly everything is communicated as a story. It is the story of Stephen Denning's personal odyssey as he recounts in slightly bemused wonderment how his discovery of storytelling forged a vital link in the knowledge communication chain at the World Bank, fostering many new enduring, cross-functional communities of practice. It is written, as all stories should be, in a way that makes the reader want to know what happened next.
Stories permit listeners to suspend belief - enter the realm of the make believe - for a period of time, enabling them to assimilate and resonate with new stories, instead of having first to judge the truth of what they are being told, according to personal principles and beliefs about what is true or false, or right or wrong.
The power of storytelling begins with the invitation to imagine. This invitation is so much more alluring than the prospect of being told what to believe. A well-told story is never an effort to understand. Rather, it is a pleasure to follow and to discover its meaning.
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