Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition [Kindle Edition]
Author: Overeaters Anonymous | Language: English | ISBN: B00669E5R8 | Format: PDF, EPUB
Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition
Download for free books Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition [Kindle Edition] for everyone book 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link The second edition of Overeaters Anonymous' beloved "Brown Book" includes personal stories by recovering OA members, the complete text of "Our Invitation to You," the founder's story, and views of the program by non-OA professionals. Direct download links available for Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition
Download for free books Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition [Kindle Edition] for everyone book 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link The second edition of Overeaters Anonymous' beloved "Brown Book" includes personal stories by recovering OA members, the complete text of "Our Invitation to You," the founder's story, and views of the program by non-OA professionals. Direct download links available for Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition
- File Size: 632 KB
- Print Length: 251 pages
- Publisher: Overeaters Anonymous (November 10, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B00669E5R8
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #44,924 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #22 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Recovery > Twelve-Step Programs
- #74 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Addiction & Recovery > Twelve-Step Programs
This book is probably best for someone already committed or about to commit him or herself
to the program. Much of it is short testimonials by those who've been helped, and indeed
some of these people surely avoided death at an early age. That said, I'd mention a couple points:
The 'mechanics,' the nuts and bolts of recovery are not covered in any detail, nor is there
much material on the psychological processes, experiences in detail, or either addiction
or recovery. Autobiographical accounts can help: For example, a member of OA, Phillip Z, wrote
Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps [see Amazon!], in which one finds such details.
Based on the accounts, it appears that one does best in the OA program if one is
ready to consider, if not accept. the premises of this and other 12-Step programs,
that there is a God, or at least "Higher Power," (very similar) who is available to
assist one in the recovery process. Almost all the accounts in this book appear to be
from persons of basically Christian orientation and belief. Phillip Z (see above), somewhat
of a skeptic, definitely seems like an exception to the rule; his acceptance by others in OA speaks
for their tolerance as a group.
A further point: although neither AA or OA claim to be the 'only way,' or to suit everyone
(that is, to be THE effective method for everyone who's addicted), one must remind oneself,
in reading these success vignettes ("It worked for me....") that we are not reading an unbiased
sample of overeaters (food addicts) or even of **recovered overeaters** (rather, those
who succeeded in the OA program). Every reader in need will have to determine if the program
could work or works for them.
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