Campbell-Walsh Urology (Campbell's Urology (4 Vols.)) [Kindle Edition]
Author: Alan J. Wein Louis R. Kavoussi Andrew C. Novick Alan W. Partin Craig A. Peters | Language: English | ISBN: B0069S9RB0 | Format: PDF, EPUB
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Since 1954, Campbell-Walsh Urology has been internationally recognized as the pre-eminent text in its field. Edited by Alan J. Wein, MD, PhD(hon), Louis R. Kavoussi, MD, , Alan W. Partin, MD, PhD, Craig A. Peters, MD, FACS, FAAP, and the late Andrew C. Novick, MD, it provides you with everything you need to know at every stage of your career, covering the entire breadth and depth of urology - from anatomy and physiology through the latest diagnostic approaches and medical and surgical treatments. Thoroughly updated to reflect new and rapidly changing areas in urology practice - including the latest AUA and EAU Guidelines as well as Incontinence Practice Guidelines - this new edition continues to set the standard for all other resources of its kind. New or expanded coverage includes the latest advancements in robotic and laparoscopic bladder surgery, open surgery of the kidney, management of metastic and invasive bladder cancer, and more! An abundance of full-color illustrations, detailed procedural video clips, and the insight of world authorities on every aspect of your field equip you with the proven, evidence-based guidance you need to successfully overcome a full range of challenges seen in practice.
- Be certain with expert, dependable, accurate answers for every stage of your career from the most comprehensive, definitive text in the field! Required reading for all urology residents, Campbell-Walsh Urology is the predominant reference used by The American Board of Urology for its board examination questions.
- Visually grasp and better understand critical information with the aid of algorithms, photographs, radiographs, and line drawings to illustrate essential concepts, nuances of clinical presentation and technique, and decision-making.
- Stay on the cutting edge with online updates .
- Get trusted perspectives and insights from hundreds of well-respected global contributors, all of whom are at the top and the cutting edge of their respective fields.
- Stay current with the latest knowledge and practices. Brand-new chapters and comprehensive updates throughout include new information on perioperative care in adults and children, premature ejaculation, retroperitoneal tumors, nocturia, and more! Meticulously revised chapters cover the most recent advancements in robotic and laparoscopic bladder surgery, open surgery of the kidney, management of metastic and invasive bladder cancer, and many other hot topics!
- File Size: 119693 KB
- Print Length: 4320 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Saunders; 10 edition (September 28, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B0069S9RB0
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #639,188 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #50 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Internal Medicine > Urology
Remember when buying this book used that it was most likely bought for the expert consult access alone and people are reselling it after taking out the code. Most people probably don't care about the online access anyways and just want the books. Just wanted to make sure no one makes the mistake of buying it used and realizing that they dont have access to the online features.By Runner
Having said that, the book is good, I like the organization better than the 9th edition and it has better graphics. The expert consult is kinda unremarkable (and the site boots you every few minutes which angers me, it is also just all around glitchy if you get it you will see what I mean) the additional videos are short, very short like 20 seconds a piece and where technology is at this time I cant help that this feels like something that was made a decade ago. There is just so much opportunity to enrich the experience with videos over anatomy and procedure, and knowing about the men who authored it I know there are thousands of hours of potential video that could have been included. Hell maybe even some of the hours and hours of lectures that they all have given too. Get my point?
In the end because of the fact that the online access is subpar and sub enriching, and because the book doesn't add much to the past edition it feels more like a 9.1 edition, better and updated but not the next step, it is nowhere near the step forward that the 9th edition was.
However, I would still get this over the 9th edition, because in the medical field you need the newest research and techniques. Just buy a used one that someone has taken the access code out of if you really like those books on your shelf or buy a new one take the access code and sell it if you dont mind having to use the website and being booted constantly.
Fundamental for every Urologist or Urology Students. Full of pictures and schemes. Sometimes it is a heavy reading. But I recommend it.By Edson Da S. Salvador Jr.
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