Clinical Echocardiography Review: A Self-Assessment Tool [Paperback]
Author: Amazon Prime | Language: English | ISBN: 160831054X | Format: PDF, EPUB
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Keep up with the latest technical advances and clinical applications in echocardiography with this self-paced review! Written by national and international echocardiography experts from the Cleveland Clinic and other leading institutions, Clinical Echocardiography Review: A Self-Assessment Tool uses a reader-friendly question-and-answer format to help trainees and clinicians assess and expand their knowledge and improve comprehension and retention of vital information.
Inside, readers will discover 28 state-of-the-art chapters ranging from basics such as the echocardiography examination, physics, and artifacts, to clinically oriented topics such as atrial fibrillation, prosthetic valves, cardiomyopathies, and pericardial diseases, to new technologies such as dyssynchrony assessment, strain, and strain rate.
Learning and review features include…
• 1,000 self-assessment questions with answers, many based on interpretation of sample images, make this the largest question-and-answer review in echocardiography.
• Assorted multiple choice questions help readers gauge progress and identify areas in need of further study.
• Focus on congenital heart disease helps improve clinical diagnosis of these abnormalities.
• Questions addressing all echocardiographic modalities—including M-mode, transesophageal, 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, Doppler, contrast-enhanced, and stress echo—build understanding of all currently used technologies.
• Special section on valvular heart disease highlights echocardiographic appearance of valve problems to speed diagnosis.
• Online portions with case studies and moving images .
- Paperback: 496 pages
- Publisher: LWW; 1 Pap/Psc edition (March 28, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 160831054X
- ISBN-13: 978-1608310548
- Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.4 x 0.8 inches
- Shipping Weight: 2.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #115,368 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #87 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Cardiology
This is a beautiful and up to date review of the most common concepts in echocardiography. No book is perfect, obviously, but this one is definitely QUITE GOOD. I've given it 5 stars as a reflection of its quality in comparison to other question books we have used.
APPEARANCE: Perhaps a small and insignificant factor, but when you buy a text book, you might as well get a nice one. The pages of the Clinical Echocardiography Review book are thick and glossy, which helps make the images pop. There's a little glare but nothing that would be too bothersome. The picture quality is perfect. You wouldn't get any better from having the actual study in front of you. The clips available online are also quite good.
CONTENT: The questions are pretty well written, with a clear teaching objective attached to each. The explanations are detailed enough, though perhaps not as thorough as you might be used to from, say, the Mayo question book. The answer keys also contain some really useful diagrams/algrorithms for a breakdown to the approach to a clinical scenario/diagnosis. This is not a text book, however, so you would not be able to use this as a stand-alone guide to echocardiography. It's really best utilized as a review and supplement to your more traditional echo manuals (e.g. JK Oh's The Echo Manual or the Feingenbaum).
MARKET COMPARISON: I can only compare this question book to the "Echocardiography Board Review: 400 Multiple Choice Questions with Discussion" book and the individual questions found in Mayo/Cleveland Clinic question books. I would say on a personal level that I much prefer the "Clinical Echocardiography Review" because the questions are a bit more stimulating, the book is all around prettier, and it is much more image based.